Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chapter 8 Summary

In this chapter, Josie is in need of help from Michael Andretti when she accidentally breaks the nose of one of the "beautiful girl's", Carly Bishop.
Josie calls upon her father to stop a law suit from Carly's father, Ron Bishop.
Some racist comments used by Carly to upset Josie, were; 
"They were all Wogs. They seem to be everywhere" , How dare you, you Wog" , "You're more than a Wog if you know what i mean" Josie understands that by saying she is more than a Wog, is aiming at her illegitimacy. 
"My father is a barrister. I'll call him' I said calmly... 'You dont have a father!' Carly yelled. 'Yeah, sure. My mother is the Virgin Mary and I'm the Immaculate Conception'"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chapter 7 Summary

Josie's Mother, Christina, Tells Josie that she needs to stay at her Nonna's while she goes to look after her Cousin, Camela overnight while her husband was in hospital.
"Oh God, Ma, I have to sleep in the same bed as her. She doesn't shave her legs."
Josie finds out something new about her Nonna, it is a story of how she came to Australia.
'I cried and cried and i begged him. "Please Francesco, please" My mother even begged him not to take me away, but my father shook his head and shrugged. "What can I do?" He said. "She is his wife. She goes where he goes"..."

Chapter 6 Summary

Josie meets Micheal for the second time at her Nonna's BBQ they do not get off to a good start.
"'I don't want her' he said flatly... 'I do not want to see her. I do not want to love her. I do not want a complication in my life... I don't want this in my life"
Josie is appalled of Micheal for being crude to her mother, Christina.
Later that day, Josie follows Micheal into the lounge room and watched him look at all the photos that her Nonna kept to display.
"I hate to tell you Josie, but I wasn't aware of your existence until very recently so i haven't had time to think about this" "Firstly, my name is Josephine. Only people close to me call me Josie, and secondly, I've known about you for a lifetime, so I've had plenty of time to think about this" You can witness this event on page 68-70.